
Prepared for the Twistings thru Humility and Holiness

Prepared for the Twistings thru Humility and Holiness

In this era of divine alignment, our hearts must echo the rhythm of His, beating as one with the Almighty’s purpose. As part of His Holy Army of Light, we’re called to unwavering allegiance, standing firm against deception and fortifying our defenses through prayer, holiness, and humility. United in purpose and empowered by His grace, we emerge as a formidable force, advancing His kingdom and reclaiming lost ground. Victory is assured, for in the unity of our hearts with His, we find the strength to overcome and the promise of divine restoration.

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Empowered to Engage Culture

Empowered to Engage Culture

In a world increasingly shrouded in darkness, Christians are called to be beacons of light, illuminating truth and love amidst cultural turmoil. Yet, many grapple with how best to navigate these tumultuous waters. Discover how establishing a foundation of biblical truth, applying it to daily life, and engaging culture with love and respect can empower believers to positively impact the world around them, reflecting the teachings of Christ while overcoming lies and ideological bondage.

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Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall

Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall

Have you ever pondered the significance of your self-image? Imagine waking up to face yourself in the mirror, only to find no reflection staring back at you. This was the reality for the Queen in our story—a narrative woven with threads of vanity, self-deception, and insecurity. She pursued worldly treasures with fervor, yet found herself shackled by fear and insatiable desires. But her tale serves as a cautionary reminder for us all, urging us to reevaluate our priorities and seek fulfillment in the promises of God rather than the fleeting allure of materialism.

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Happiness Through Hope in the Midst of Hostility

Happiness Through Hope in the Midst of Hostility

I heard Holy Spirit speak these three words: Happiness, Hope, Hostility. Happiness is always available in being in My presence, trusting in My goodness, and enjoying My blessings. Hope sustains happiness; it is the expectation of good and brings a confident expectation. Even amidst hostility, choose hope in God’s promises and find happiness settling into your spirit. Prepare for the coming hostility with holy admonitions to one another and hold onto the confident hope in God’s goodness and faithfulness.

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Do I Have a Purpose?

Do I Have a Purpose?

When I woke up again at two in the morning, I asked God why He loved me. He knew all my sins; He knew that I had broken all the Commandments and that I am still working every day not to sin. Why, Lord, do You love me? The Holy Spirit reminded me of John 3:16: God so...

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The Power of Unity

The Power of Unity

u·ni·ty /ˈyo͞onədē/ 1. the state of being united or joined as a whole. Christians are called to be soldiers. The Christian walk is often presented as spiritual warfare. Effective service calls for singleness of purpose. Like a single-minded soldier, we should...

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Holiness Begets Holiness

Holiness Begets Holiness

Sitting at the feet of The Lord, I heard Him say: I am the way, the truth and the life; no man comes to the Father, except by Me. (John 14:6) Holy am I; Holy is the Father; Holy is the Spirit. True intimacy with Us produces holiness in you. Holiness begets [1]...

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Three Sides to a Box

Three Sides to a Box

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."Philippians 4:6-7 Did...

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Flame Throwing with Angels

Flame Throwing with Angels

We are living in a New Era, and The Lord is speaking “Now” words to His Bride, to His Ecclesia.  Sitting at the feet of The Lord, I heard Him say: I AM here.    I — The Great I AM — I am here. Revival is here; keep ushering it in and fanning the...

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Bright and Morning Star Announces New Era

Bright and Morning Star Announces New Era

Sitting at the feet of Jesus, He began to talk to me about His name— Bright and Morning Star I announce the dawning of the New Day. I announce the dawning of the New Era—full of grace and truth (2). This era will be filled with My heart’s cry over My earth and over My...

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If you ask any of the people who know me well – what is Dee’s favorite word(s), they would tell you, "Shema and Shalom." Today we read about Shema (pronounced “shmah”) and why it is so important. My prayer is that you will become familiar with the prayers that...

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Clarion Call to The Eagle’s Nest

Clarion Call to The Eagle’s Nest

Sitting at the feet of The Lord, I heard Him say: Heighten the alert; give the clarion call. Wake up the sleeping giants. Wake up those whose destiny is to be great and powerful in the Lord, but who have fallen asleep. Angels are on the move, because demons are on the...

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